Saturday, December 28, 2013


We are up on Ayuttays (which we can never pronounce)and do excited to be here. The family we are staying with are so kind and so cute! But first I need to say how unbelievable the poverty was as ee were pulling out of the stain station in Bangkok. Directly adjacent to the tracks were hand made structures consisting of corrugated metal, many with ony three walls (you could see directly into the one room shacks) and dirt floors. There were baskets of fish and peppers hanging from roofs to dry that wee so close tongue train you had to keep you arm in or you would hit it.
Anyway, out of the city and into the country. Our place is incredibly cute. Comes cimplete with a great wooden deck and 50 cent beer. Went to to a little restraunt about 12 tables up on a wooden platform open walls and delicious food. 7 of us ate, including 2 appituzers4 We're here in Thailand. Wow what a long travel day. But the hotel is fabulous and we had a long but huge beers waters and tea for $22
Then we went to experience some of the ruins lit up at night time. All I can say is AWSOME!!

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