Friday, January 10, 2014

Chaing Mai day 2

Chaing Mai day 2
The first full day we explored the old city of Chaing Mai.  Chaing Mai means walled city and the old town is inside a wall (now crumbling) and a mote. We had a great brunch (cheese burger. It was time to take a break from Thai food) and they had a drink called a "little bastard", of course I had to get it!  We then found a fish spa where hundreds of little fish nibbled off dead skin and smoothed our feet and legs. After the fish thing we got a massage. We headed out to explore more of the old town got a banana rotee and finish our day with a glass of wine at a really cute jungle bar.

Back to the hotel where we got picked up by a taxi arranged by Samart and flew to Phuket.

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