Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Khao yai

Standing on a crowded train for two hours was totally worth it once we saw the beauty of this place! Our tour guide that picked us up was an absolute riot. Everything to her is sexy. Sexy bird, sexy monkey everything. So funny. Anyway, our first night they took us to a bat cave to watch the bats leaving from the cave. There was a constant string of bats probably 50 - 75 bats wide
flying out for an hour. Yesterday we had a full day in the jungle. Lots of very cool plants crazy vines, trees beautiful plants a beautiful waterfall and amazing landscape. We saw a long bill bird and bunches of monkeys. We searched for elephants but all we found was their dung. Oh well, it's new years so too many people in the park for elephant sightings. It was a great day trekking through the jungles of Thailand! After we returned to the "hotel" we were invited to join the locals to their new years party, it was the best New Years party ever. We partied around a camp fire with bad karaoke and folks from Thailand, Germany, holland... It was so fun! Today we are relaxing around the pool until we can get taken to ayutthaya for our journey up north to Chaing Mai.


  1. Oh my gosh AMAZING!! What are those things on your legs for?

  2. I just started reading your blog! What a fun, amazing and beautiful trip. I love the temples and the sleeping Buddhas and the tree grown around the Buddha face. Continue to enjoy! Question for you. Did you see the bats leaving the cave at Valley View when we were there? Love to the girls and a very Happy New Year to you…Love, Gail

  3. Amazing pictures of Khao yai! It looks like you are having a great trip, I'm so happy. It looks like you don't have to worry about leaches with the leggings on. Stay in touch!

  4. Thailand looks amazing! I'm so happy that you girls are having such an awesome adventure! Love you

  5. At least you did not step in the dung! or did you? :-)
